Friday 25 January 2008

The Man Without A Face
I am writing to you to tell you about an extremely weird experience.
I had with a really good friend of mine about 9 years ago. Well, at that time, we loved anything that had to do with the outdoors, like riding 4-wheelers, going for walks, and making forts. Well, it was a hot summer day, just started out like any other day. We were busy making a fort in these woods that were located in the woods behind my parents house. We were out there for probably a couple of hours or so when we decided that we should get going home because it was going to get dark out any time soon. So we packed up and got ready to leave.
Well just as we both looked up, we noticed a man, in a orange hunters suit, but the strange thing..hehad no face! It was all black where his face was supposed to be!
I know this sounds so strange but it is the solid truth.
Well, after we seen him, we both started running towards the trail to get home, and we ran and ran, until we reached my friend's house. We never stopped running the whole way back and we never spoke of what we saw until the next day.
When I seen her the following day, I asked, did that really happen? It was so un-real, and unexplained to me, that it felt like I was in a dream! But, when I asked her, I was hoping that she would say I was crazy and that never had happened, but she said just the opposite!
It did in fact happen, and both of us will never forget the Hunter Man for the rest of our lives!!!!!
From Karianne

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Just happened to stumble upon this web blog. I can confirm this type of paranormal experience as it also happened to me when I was a kid.

I remember when I was around 5ish, I once saw a face in red suit (almost like spiderman type red) followed me for nearly a week straight when I grandma walked me to the kindergarden. The weird thing was that my grandma never notied him even though he was like about 12 feet away.

I vividly remember the last moment I saw him. He stood there staring at me while my grandma trying to open the door to my home. He didn't do anything, just stood there and that was when I realized that he did not have a face (no mouth, no nose, no eyes, nothing), plain red. I was too young to be scared and all I remember was that I ran into my house as soon as the door was open and shut it and that was the last time I saw him.

Now that I'm in my 30's I still find it creepy everything I think about it.